Tuesday, November 12, 2019


I just committed to marching in a Christmas parade on December 7. It was not until I started to enter the time of that event in my appointment calendar that it dawned on me, I am going to be celebrating the wonderful message of peace on earth and good will to all people on Pearl Harbor Day – the very day we have set aside to commemorate an act of war. The terrible attack on Pearl harbor was a wake up call that shook America out of its smug complacency and naive isolation. It made us realize that we have a duty to oppose with force if necessary the xenophobic madness and hatred that inspires so many acts of unspeakable evil. But in the spirit of the season, I want to concentrate on the aftermath of that war. It was a time when our better angels prevailed, and we took steps to help the world rebuild and relieve the suffering. It was a time when we as a people, as citizens of the world, set aside the hatred and anger of a very bitter war and worked to make our former enemies our friends. And so the message of peace on earth and good will to all people still lives in our hearts. It still lives as a wish and a prayer we gladly share with all people.

Happy Holidays, everyone!