Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Woman Scorned

Anne was twenty-five years old. She was a slim, shapely girl with light brown hair, blue eyes, and a pretty face. She sat in the glow of the overhead lights with her face too close to the monitor. She was straining to see the small fonts. Max walked into the room.

“Ah, slaving over a hot computer I see.”

She giggled. “We women are always slaving over a hot something.” She paused before adding “regardless of race.”

She got him, and she had cleverly used race rather than gender to do it.

“Oops! I guess that’s the problems with cliches. They’re mental shortcuts that roll off the tongue before we think about the connotations stemming from their origins.”

She laughed. “Now that we’ve stomped all over your joke, what can I do for you?”

“Do you want me to wait a few minutes for you to complete the entry you’re making?”

“That depends on what you want.”

Did he imagine it or did she flutter her eyes at him. He did not want to jump to any conclusions.

“I’m looking for the documents Ship produced in response to our first set of requests for documents in the Ship-Worthy case.”

“Give me just a moment,” she said.

She quickly finished making the entry she had been working on. She hunched over to put her face closer to the screen. She then brought up the database created for the Ship-Worthy case. She straightened up as she typed. She leaned forward again and squinted as she checked her query for errors before pressing the enter key. A list of the documents popped up on the screen. She leaned back in her chair and lightly messaged her forehead.

“I’m getting a head ache,” she said.

“The story of my life.”

She sighed. “Yeah, it’s tough. Women always have head aches and men are always deprived, poor things!”

She clicked on the print button and smiled to let him know her rejoinder did not mean she was offended by his humor. She was sending him mixed signals. He seemed to be engaged in a battle of wits and a flirtation. Was she saying maybe, but on her terms?

“Eye glasses designed for the distance and glare of the screen would probably prevent the head aches.”

“Gee, I’ll bet you say that to all the girls.”

Max laughed. “Benevolent self interest!”

“I guess you don’t believe in the old saw about men never making passes at girls who wear glasses.”

“No. The only drawback to computer glasses is that they might make you stand close to someone to see who is talking to you.”

“I could always take the glasses off to talk, unless you want me to stand close to you.”

“I sure wouldn’t object.”

She stood up and lightly bumped into him on her way to the printer. The expression on her face when she glanced over her shoulder at him told him the bump was not an accident. She picked up the print out and handed it to him.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

He phone rang, and she answered it. He waved goodbye as walked out of the room.

It is amazing what a little banter or flirting can do. Max had seen Anne before. He knew she was the attractive lady who helped maintain the document repository, but that was all he thought about her. Now that he had interacted with her, he was really looking forward to seeing her again.

The next time he went to the repository Jim went with him. Max was disappointed to see that Anne was not at her desk. There was a photograph laying face up next to her keyboard. It was of her and two of her friends at the beach. Her friends were wearing bikinis. Anne was wearing the type of one-piece bathing suit competitive swimmers wear.

“Wow!” Max said.


“Look at the photo.”

“I see what you mean. They’re hot! Is that Anne in the one-piece suit?”

“It sure is.”

“I wonder what she’s hiding.”

“As revealing as that suit is it can’t be much.”

“It’s probably a tattoo or a scar.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, that suit wouldn’t hide any figure flaws, but since her friends are wearing bikinis you know she’s hiding something.”

The conversation ended there because Anne entered the room. Max set the photo back on the desk.

“Hi, fellas. Were you looking at the picture?”

Max grinned. “It’s irresistible.”

“I’ll take that as a complement.”

“Please do.”

“A friend of mine sent it to me yesterday. It was taken last summer when I still had time for a social life.”

“I take it you’ve been putting in a lot of overtime.”

“They really need to hire one more person. What can I do for you?”

“We need the documents Casper produced in response to Worthy’s first set of requests for documents.”

Anne’s search turned up a large number of documents. Max and Jim spent four hours reviewing and marking the ones they wanted copied.

“It’s going to take us an hour to copy all of those,” Anne said. “I can take the copies to your office if you want.”

Max smiled. “Thank you. I would appreciate that.”

The repository was only a few miles from the law firm. Max and Jim picked up some burgers to take back to the firm with them. They ate them in the attorney’s lounge. They were leaving the lounge when Anne and a young man from the repository wheeled the boxes of documents in on hand dollies.

Jim approached Anne. “Let me take those,” he said.

He led the young man to a conference room while Max signed the form for receipt of the documents.

“It’s really kind of you to personally deliver these.”

“Think nothing of it. It gets me out of the office for a while.”

“I know what you mean. I look forward to going to the repository for the same reason. Knowing you’re there makes it even better.”

She smiled. “How do you feel about tattoos?”

So it was a tattoo her bathing suit had been hiding.

“I wouldn’t reject a woman just because she has one.”

Jim and the young man were now approaching and the flirtation was put on hold.

“It looks like it’s time to go,” she said.


“Yes, but I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

“I’m counting on it.”

She laughed as she took the hand truck from Jim. Max watched her enter the elevator.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t ask her out.”

“I will just as soon as I can get a night off.”

Max worked late every night that week, and he could not find a plausible reason to go back to the repository. On Monday he was talking to his secretary when he felt someone behind him. He turned to see who it was.

“Anne! What are you doing here?”

“I delivered some documents to Jim.”

“Are you still putting in the long hours?”

“You have no idea. It’s been so long since I’ve had sex that I’m afraid I won’t remember how it’s done.”

“That makes two of us. Why don’t we discuss it over dinner tonight?”

“Let’s make it my place.”

Max asked his secretary for a piece of paper. She rolled her eyes as she handed the paper to Anne. Anne started writing her home address and directions to there from the firm.

“What time are you leaving here?” she asked.

“Five o’clock, no matter what happens.”

“I’ll be there.”

She handed Max the directions, kissed him on the cheek, and walked away. He turned to his secretary.

“Good secretaries tell not tales.”

“Good bosses don’t seduce women in front of their secretaries.”

“Well, she started it.”

“Too bad I can’t send you to your room without your supper.”

Max laughed.

He was walking up to Anne’s front door when she pulled into her driveway. She got out of her car and removed the containers of Chinese food she had bought on her way home.

“May I take those for you?”

She handed him the containers and opened the door.

“Follow me.”

She led him to her kitchen table. She did not have a dining room. He put the containers on the table as she set out two plates.

“Would you like some white wine to go with it?”

“That would be wonderful.”

He opened the containers of food while she poured the wine. She waited until they were both eating before she broached the subject.

“About the tattoo: It’s the name of the boy I was going with when I was a sophomore in college. He was a senior who swept me off my feet. He took me to Mexico for the spring break, and I was drunk on my ass when I got the tattoo. After we broke up, some friends of mine decided to cheer me up by getting me drunk again. That’s when I added a little something to the tattoo.”

“I guess it’s too painful and expensive to get them removed.”
“And it can leave a nasty scar.”

She excused herself when they finished eating. She appeared in the doorway of the kitchen a few minutes later. She was naked and absolutely gorgeous. Her stance and the look on her face indicated a reticence that contradicted the nudity.

“You’re going to see the tattoo eventually, so let’s get it out of the way now.”

She turned her back on him. “Ray” was tattooed on the small of her back. Beneath that was “is an” and beneath that was an arrow pointing down to her butt crack.

Max laughed. “I’m guessing it wasn’t an amicable separation.”

“I caught the son of a bitch cheating on me.”

“Ouch! And now you’re stuck with his name on your back. Well, no matter how drunk we might get, I promise I’ll talk you out of tattooing my name on your abdomen.”

The thought about what an arrow descending from her abdomen would point to made her laugh.

“Don’t worry,” she said, “I’ve learned my lesson about drinking and tattoos.”

“That’s my girl!”

“Not yet. You’re going to have to take me now or lose me.”

She did not have to say it twice.

First published in on Jul. 27, 2010

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