Saturday, March 7, 2015

Your Time, My Fat Ass

"Losing just 30 minutes of sleep could promote weight gain:study" That is the headline of a story on Yahoo News. So as I set my clock forward to night I am going to blame daylight saving time for the extra fifteen pounds I am packing. That is right, I am telling you the government is responsible for giving me a fat ass and for depriving me of the dreams I might have had during the hours of sleep I am losing as I try to adjust to the time change. And yes, I am making my accusation retroactive; the weight gain is cumulative and the result of time changes past. God only knows what the time change will do to me this year.

I wonder if that will make my grumpy, chubby, right wing friends think we finally share at least one political opinion. All right, I will throw them another bone by saying this is a government conspiracy; someone in the government must own stock in a weight loss company.

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