Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Although this is my first post on this blog, creating a first post has become old (I would even say "frayed") hat at this point.  This is the fourth time I have felt compelled to create a new blog.  Believe me I do not enjoy having to apologize to my readers for moving my stories and articles to new blogs on new sites.  In fact this move is particularly painful for me.  If you want to know what caused it, read the page entitled "From Randy."

On the up side, this return to Google should put an end to the uncertainty about where my writings will be displayed.  I am guessing that the few people who have been following me have finally run out of patience.  Unfortunately, I am afraid I must irritate them further with the slow pace of posting here the stories and articles previously posted on the now defunct blog at Fiction for  This means it will be quite a while before I have anything new to offer them.  In a fit of optimism, I am hoping that at least a few people who are not familiar with my writing will discover it here and enjoy it.

You are now at the start of my postings.  If you move sequentially through the newer posts, you will witness my blogging journey as it progressed.  Yeah, yeah, I know: "Big Whoopee!"  In the case of this blog starting with the first post is only important if you are as prone to linear thinking as I am.  I am still trying to figure out whether that is a good thing or a bad thing.

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